CLI Command Reference

splinter CLI

The splinter command-line interface (CLI) provides a set of commands to interact with Splinter components

splinter Command-line interface for Splinter

Authorized Identity Management

splinter authid Provides authorized identity subcommands

splinter authid create Creates an authorized identity on a Splinter node

splinter authid delete Deletes an authorized identity on a Splinter node

splinter authid list Lists the authorized identities on a Splinter node

splinter authid show Shows a specific authorized identity on a Splinter node

splinter authid update Updates an authorized identity on a Splinter node

Certificate Management

splinter cert Provides certificate management subcommands

splinter cert generate Generates test certificates and keys for running splinterd with TLS (in insecure mode)

Circuit Management

splinter circuit Provides circuit management functionality

splinter circuit abandon Abandon an active circuit for this Splinter node.

splinter circuit disband Propose that an active circuit is disbanded.

splinter circuit list Displays the existing circuits for this Splinter node

splinter circuit proposals Lists the current circuit proposals

splinter circuit propose Propose that a new circuit is created

splinter circuit purge Remove a circuit’s local state.

splinter circuit remove-proposal Remove a circuit proposal.

splinter circuit show Displays information about a circuit

splinter circuit template Manage circuit templates

splinter circuit template arguments Displays the arguments defined in a circuit template

splinter circuit template show Displays the details of a circuit template

splinter circuit template list Displays all available circuit templates

splinter circuit vote Submits a vote to accept or reject a circuit proposal

Command Family

splinter command Interacts with the command family smart contract

splinter command get-state Submits a Sabre transaction to request a state

splinter command set-state Submits a Sabre transaction to request a state write

splinter command show-state Displays the state value at a given address

Database Management Functions

splinter database Provides database management functions

splinter database migrate Updates the database for a new Splinter release

splinter state migrate Move scabbard state to or from LMDB

splinter upgrade Upgrade Splinter by importing file system state files to a database

Display information about node and network health

splinter health Displays information about node and network health

splinter health status Displays information about a Splinter node

Generates user and daemon keys for Splinter

splinter keygen Generates user and daemon keys for Splinter

Maintenance mode

splinter maintenance Management functions for the maintenance mode (experimental builds only)

splinter maintenance disable Disables maintenance mode for a Splinter node (experimental builds only)

splinter maintenance enable Enables maintenance mode for a Splinter node (experimental builds only)

splinter maintenance status Checks if maintenance mode is enabled for a Splinter node (experimental builds only)

REST API permissions

splinter permissions Lists REST API permissions

Registry management

splinter registry Splinter registry commands

splinter registry add Add a node to the local registry (experimental builds only)

splinter registry build Add a node to a YAML file

Role management

splinter role Provides role subcommands

splinter role create Creates a role on a Splinter node

splinter role delete Deletes a role on a Splinter node

splinter role list Lists the roles on a Splinter node

splinter role show Shows a specific role on a Splinter node

splinter role update Updates a role on a Splinter node

User management

splinter user list Displays the existing users for this Splinter node


splinter workload Submits a workload against a circuit

splinterd CLI

The splinterd command-line interface (CLI) provides the command for running the Splinter daemon

splinterd Starts the Splinter daemon

scabbard CLI

The scabbard command-line interface (CLI) provides a set of commands to interact with scabbard services

scabbard Command-line interface for scabbard

Smart Contract Management

scabbard contract Provides contract management functionality

scabbard contract list Displays a scabbard service’s smart contracts

scabbard contract show Displays the details of a scabbard smart contract

scabbard contract upload Uploads a smart contract to scabbard

Contract Registry Management

scabbard cr Provides management of the Sabre contract registry

scabbard cr create Creates a Sabre contract registry

scabbard cr delete Deletes a Sabre contract registry

scabbard cr update Updates the owners of a Sabre contract registry

Smart Contract Execution

scabbard exec Executes a Sabre smart contract

Namespace Management

scabbard ns Provides management of Sabre namespaces

scabbard ns create Creates a Sabre namespace

scabbard ns delete Deletes a Sabre namespace

scabbard ns update Updates the owners of a Sabre namespace

Namespace Permissions Management

scabbard perm Sets or deletes a Sabre namespace permission