% SPLINTER-PERMISSIONS(1) Cargill, Incorporated | Splinter Commands


splinter-permissions — Lists REST API permissions for a Splinter node


splinter permissions [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]


This command lists all permissions for the local Splinter node’s REST API.


-h, --help
Prints help information
-q, --quiet
Decrease verbosity (the opposite of -v). When specified, only errors or warnings will be output.
-V, --version
Prints version information
Increases verbosity (the opposite of -q). Specify multiple times for more output.


-F, --format FORMAT
Specifies the output format of the permissions. (default human). Possible values for formatting are human, csv, and json.
Specifies the private signing key (either a file path or the name of a .priv file in $HOME/.splinter/keys).
-U, --url URL
Specifies the URL for the splinterd REST API. The URL is required unless $SPLINTER_REST_API_URL is set.


The following command displays REST API permissions in a human-readable table (the output is abbreviated for readability):

$ splinter permissions \
  --key /path/to/key.priv \
  --url http://example.com:8080
ID                              NAME                   DESCRIPTION
authorization.maintenance.read  Maintenance mode read  Allows the client to check maintenance mode status
authorization.maintenance.write Maintenance mode write Allows the client to enable/disable maintenance mode
authorization.permissions.read  Permissions read       Allows the client to read REST API permissions
authorization.rbac.read         RBAC read              Allows the client to read roles, identities, and role assignments

The following command displays REST API permissions as CSV (output abbreviated):

$ splinter permissions \
  --format csv
  --key /path/to/key.priv \
  --url http://example.com:8080
authorization.maintenance.read,Maintenance mode read,Allows the client to check maintenance mode status
authorization.maintenance.write,Maintenance mode write,Allows the client to enable/disable maintenance mode
authorization.permissions.read,Permissions read,Allows the client to read REST API permissions
authorization.rbac.read,RBAC read,Allows the client to read roles, identities, and role assignments

The following command displays REST API permissions as JSON (output abbreviated):

$ splinter permissions \
  --format json
  --key /path/to/key.priv \
  --url http://example.com:8080
   "Maintenance mode read",
   "Allows the client to check maintenance mode status"
   "Maintenance mode write",
   "Allows the client to enable/disable maintenance mode"
   "Permissions read",
   "Allows the client to read REST API permissions"
   "RBAC read",
   "Allows the client to read roles, identities, and role assignments"


URL for the splinterd REST API. (See -U, --url.)


| Splinter documentation: https://www.splinter.dev/docs/0.7/