% SPLINTER-REGISTRY-ADD(1) Cargill, Incorporated | Splinter Commands


splinter-registry-add — Add a node to the local registry


splinter registry add [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] IDENTITY


Add a new node to the local node registry. The node may be entirely new to the registry, or it may be copied from the remote registries with the --from-remote flag. If the --from-remote flag is used the --display-name, --endpoint, --key and --metadata options may not be used to alter the node being copied from the remote registry. When run, the command will display the resulting changes as confirmation.


Shows the expected changes without submitting the node.
Copies an existing node definition from the remote registries.
-h, --help
Prints help information
-q, --quiet
Decreases verbosity (the opposite of -v). When specified, only errors or warnings will be output.
-V, --version
Prints version information
Increases verbosity (the opposite of -q). Specify multiple times for more output.


--display-name DISPLAY_NAME
Sets a human-readable name for the new node. If not provided, a default value based on the node’s ID will be used.
--endpoint ENDPOINT
Adds a network endpoint for the new node. At least one endpoint must be provided, and all endpoints must be non-empty and unique in the registry (two nodes cannot share the same endpoint). Repeat this option to specify multiple endpoints.
--key-file KEY
Add the public key to the new node. At least one key must be provided, and all keys must be non-empty. Repeat this option to specify multiple keys.
-k, --key KEY
Name or path of private key to be used for REST API authorization.
Adds the metadata to the new node, using the format METADATA_KEY:METADATA_VALUE. If an entry for the given METADATA_KEY already exists, it will be replaced. Repeat this option to specify multiple metadata entries.
-U, --url URL
Specifies the URL for the splinterd REST API. The URL is required unless $SPLINTER_REST_API_URL is set.


IDENTITY Identity of the new node. Must be unique in the local registry.


The simplest use of this command is to create a new node with an identity, a single endpoint, and a single key:

splinter registry add example-node-1 \
  --endpoint tcps://splinterd-node-1:8044 \
  --key /path/to/public/key/file \
  --url http://splinterd-rest-api:8085

Multiple endpoints, keys, and metadata entries can be provided by specifying the arguments multiple times:

splinter registry add example-node-2 \
  --endpoint tcps://splinterd-node-2:8044 \
  --endpoint tcp://splinterd-node-2:8045 \
  --key /path/to/public/key/file1 \
  --key /path/to/public/key/file2 \
  --metadata key1:value1 \
  --metadata key2:value2 \
  --url http://splinterd-rest-api:8085

A node that exists in one or more remote registries can be copied to the local registry with just the node’s identity and the --from-remote flag, the --display-name, --endpoint, --key and --metadata options may not be used with this flag:

splinter registry add example-node-3 \
  --from-remote \
  --url http://splinterd-rest-api:8085


URL for the splinterd REST API. (See -U, --url.)


| splinter-registry-build(1) | | Splinter documentation: https://www.splinter.dev/docs/0.7/