% SPLINTER-CIRCUIT-ABANDON(1) Cargill, Incorporated | Splinter Commands


splinter-circuit-abandon — Submits a request to abandon the specified circuit.


splinter circuit abandon [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] CIRCUIT-ID


Request to abandon a circuit by specifying the circuit ID of the circuit to be abandoned. Abandoning a circuit will remove the circuit’s networking ability for the abandoning node. This will also notify other circuit members that the circuit has been abandoned, but does not require further action from other circuit members.

The generated ID of the existing circuit can be viewed using the splinter-circuit-list command and this circuit ID is used to specify the circuit to be abandoned.

This operation is not able to be performed on circuits that are not active at the time of the request. As this operation does disconnect the specified circuit from its networking capability for the abandoning node, other circuit members should take care to notice when the circuit is abandoned so as not to attempt to communicate with this circuit member, as this abandoning circuit member has disabled the circuit’s routing capability from their end. This removes the nodes ability to communicate over this circuit.


-h, --help
Prints help information
-V, --version
Prints version information
Increases verbosity (the opposite of -q). Specify multiple times for more output.


Specifies the full path to the private key file.
-U, --url URL
Specifies the URL for the splinterd REST API. The URL is required unless $SPLINTER_REST_API_URL is set.


Specify the circuit ID of the circuit to be disbanded.


  • The existing circuit has ID 1234-ABCDE.

The following command displays a member node requesting to abandon the circuit:

$ splinter circuit abandon \
  --url URL-of-member-node-splinterd-REST-API \
  1234-ABCDE \


URL for the splinterd REST API. (See -U, --url.)


| splinter-circuit-disband(1) | splinter-circuit-list(1) | splinter-circuit-proposals(1) | splinter-circuit-propose(1) | splinter-circuit-purge(1) | splinter-circuit-remove-proposal(1) | splinter-circuit-show(1) | splinter-circuit-vote(1) | | Splinter documentation: https://www.splinter.dev/docs/0.7/