% SPLINTER-CIRCUIT-PROPOSE(1) Cargill, Incorporated | Splinter Commands


splinter-circuit-propose — Propose that a new circuit is created


splinter circuit propose [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]


This command submits a proposal to create a new Splinter circuit with one or more other nodes. When the other nodes receive this proposal, they vote to accept or reject it with splinter circuit vote. If all nodes accept the proposal, the circuit is created.

It is necessary to specify the participating nodes for a circuit proposal as well as information for the intended use and operation of the circuit. Circuit proposals may be constructed multiple ways, via command-line options using this command or using the splinter circuit template command. The splinter circuit template command offers a partially completed circuit proposal, requiring less input than using splinter circuit propose. More information on how to use circuit templates can be found in the splinter-circuit-template(1) man page.

A circuit proposal may be removed using splinter circuit remove-proposal. More information on this command is available in the splinter-circuit-remove-proposal(1) man page.


-n, --dry-run
Show the circuit definition without submitting the proposal
-h, --help
Prints help information
-q, --quiet
Decrease verbosity (the opposite of -v). When specified, only errors or warnings will be output.
-V, --version
Prints version information
Increases verbosity (the opposite of -q). Specify multiple times for more output.


Authorization type for the circuit. Possible values trust or challenge. Defaults to challenge. If using challenge, node public keys are required.
--comments COMMENTS
Adds human-readable comments to the circuit proposal.
Enforce that the proposed circuit is compatible with a specific version. Accepted values: 0.4, 0.6
--display-name DISPLAY-NAME
Add human-readable name for the circuit.
Specifies the full path to the private key file.
--management MANAGEMENT-TYPE
Specifies the circuit management type. Circuit management type indicates the application authorization handler which handles the circuit’s change proposals.
Provides application-specific metadata for the circuit proposal. Repeat this option to provide multiple entries for the application metadata.
--metadata-encoding METADATA-ENCODING
Sets the encoding type for the application metadata (default: string). Accepted values: json, string.
Specifies a node that should be part of the circuit, using the format NODE-ID::ENDPOINT1,ENDPOINT2. All endpoints must be in the registry entry for the given node ID. The proposer must also specify its own node, if it is to be be included on the circuit proposal. Repeat this option to specify multiple nodes.
--node-public-key NODE-PUBLIC-KEY-STRING
Specifies the public key for node, using the format NODE-ID::PUBLIC-KEY. The proposer must also specify its own node’s public key, if it is to be be included on the circuit proposal. Repeat this option to specify keys for multiple nodes. Public keys are required if using challenge authorization.
Specifies the service ID and allowed nodes, using the format SERVICE-ID::ALLOWED-NODES. Service IDs are comprised of 4 ASCII alphanumeric characters. The ALLOWED-NODES specifies the node which the service will run on, currently only one node ID is allowed.
Passes key/value arguments to the specified service (as defined by --service), using the format SERVICE-ID::KEY=VALUE. Service arguments provided must match those required to create the service. The glob operator, *, may be used in place of the SERVICE-ID to match all or certain parts of the 4 character SERVICE-ID. For instance, AA*::KEY=VALUE to match all service IDs that begin with AA. Repeat this option to specify multiple key/value arguments.
--service-peer-group SERVICE-PEER-GROUP
Specifies the service peer group (a list of peer services). Peer services are services used by peer nodes within a circuit. This is the group of services that must come to consensus amongst the node peers. Repeat this option to specify multiple service peer groups.
--service-type SERVICE-TYPE
Provides a service type for the specified service (as defined by --service), using the format SERVICE-ID::SERVICE-TYPE. The glob operator, *, may be used in place of the SERVICE-ID to match all or certain parts of the 4 character SERVICE-ID. For instance, AA*::SERVICE-TYPE to match all service IDs that begin with AA. Scabbard is a Splinter service currently implemented to be used, that can be specified with service-type of scabbard. Repeat this option to specify multiple service types.
--template TEMPLATE
Specifies a template to use for defining the circuit. Additional information on circuit templates can be found in the splinter-circuit-template(1) man page.
--template-arg TEMPLATE-ARG
Provides a key/value argument for the circuit template (as specified by --template), using the format KEY=VALUE`. Repeat this option to specify multiple template arguments.
-U, --url URL
Specifies the URL for the splinterd REST API. The URL is required unless $SPLINTER_REST_API_URL is set.


URL for the splinterd REST API. (See -U, --url.)


This command proposes a simple circuit with one other node.

  • The proposing node has ID alpha001 and endpoint tcps://splinterd-node-acme001:8044.
  • The other node has ID beta001 and endpoint tcps://splinterd-node-beta001:8044 and tcp://splinterd-node-beta001:8045.
  • There is one service with ID AA01. This service has no service arguments, service type, or service group.
$ splinter circuit propose \
  --node alpha001::tcps://splinterd-node-alpha001:8044 \
  --node beta001::tcps://splinterd-node-beta001:8044,tcp://splinterd-node-beta001:8045 \
  --service AA01::alpha001 \
  --url URL-of-splinterd-REST-API
  --auth-type trust

The next command proposes a circuit with one other node, with multiple services and multiple service-args.

  • The proposing node has ID alpha001 and endpoint tcps://splinterd-node-alpha001:8044.
  • The other node has ID beta001 and endpoint tcps://splinterd-node-beta001:8044.
  • There are two services for each member node with a service-type of scabbard for each. The service ID for the alpha node service is AA01 and the beta node service ID is BB01. Each of these services are specified in the service group by providing each service ID for the service-peer-group argument. There is also a service-arg for the AA01, the admin_keys which is required by the Splinter Scabbard service.
splinter circuit propose \
  --url URL-of-splinterd-REST-API \
  --node alpha001::tcps://splinterd-node-alpha001:8044 \
  --node beta001::tcps://splinterd-node-beta001:8044 \
  --service AA01::alpha-node-001 \
  --service BB01::beta-node-001 \
  --service-type AA01::scabbard \
  --service-type BB01::scabbard \
  --service-arg AA01::admin_keys=NODE-PUBLIC-KEY \
  --service-arg BB01::admin_keys=NODE-PUBLIC-KEY \
  --service-peer-group AA01,BB01
  --auth-type trust

The glob operator, * may be used to match SERVICE-ID for the --service-type and --service-arg arguments. Therefore, this part of the command:

--service-type AA01::scabbard \
--service-type BB01::scabbard \
--service-arg AA01::admin_keys=NODE-PUBLIC-KEY \
--service-arg BB01::admin_keys=NODE-PUBLIC-KEY \

becomes the following using the glob operator:

--service-type *::scabbard \
--service-arg *::admin_keys=NODE-PUBLIC-KEY \


| splinter-circuit-abandon(1) | splinter-circuit-disband(1) | splinter-circuit-list(1) | splinter-circuit-proposals(1) | splinter-circuit-purge(1) | splinter-circuit-remove-proposal(1) | splinter-circuit-show(1) | splinter-circuit-vote(1) | | Splinter documentation: https://www.splinter.dev/docs/0.7/