% SCABBARD-CR-DELETE(1) Cargill, Incorporated | Splinter Commands


scabbard-cr-delete — Deletes a Sabre contract registry.


scabbard cr delete [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] NAME


This command allows users to delete a Sabre contract registry from the targeted scabbard service.


-h, --help
Prints help information.
-V, --version
Prints version information
Increases verbosity. Specify multiple times for more output.


-k, --key FILE
Indicates the key file to use for signing scabbard transactions. The FILE can be a relative or absolute file path, or it can be the name of a .priv file in the $HOME/.splinter/keys directory. The target file must contain a valid secp256k1 private key. This option is required.
--service-id ID
Specifies the fully-qualified service ID of the targeted scabbard service, using the format CIRCUIT_ID::SERVICE_ID. This option is required.
-U, --url URL
Specifies the URL for the splinterd REST API that is running the targeted scabbard service. (default http://localhost:8080) This option is required.
--wait SECONDS
If provided, waits the given number of seconds for the batch to commit. Displays an error message if the batch does not commit in time.


Provides the name of the contract registry to delete.


The following command removes the xo contract registry from a scabbard service on circuit 01234-ABCDE with service ID abcd, running on the node with the REST API endpoint http://localhost:8088. The transaction will be signed with the key located in the file ~/user.priv.

$ scabbard cr delete \
  --url http://localhost:8088 \
  --service-id 01234-ABCDE::abcd \
  --key ~/user.priv \

The next command removes the intkey_multiply contract registry from the same scabbard service, but specifies a key in the $HOME/.splinter/keys directory by name. It also waits up to 10 seconds for the contract registry deletion batch to commit.

$ scabbard cr delete \
  --url http://localhost:8088 \
  --service-id 01234-ABCDE::abcd \
  --key user \
  --wait 10 \


| scabbard-cr-create(1) | scabbard-cr-update(1) | | Splinter documentation: https://www.splinter.dev/docs/0.7/