Generating Insecure Certificates for Development

This document describes how to use the splinter CLI to generate certificates for running the Splinter daemon in a development environment.

The Splinter daemon can be run with raw TCP connections and with TLS connections. When developing against Splinter, you might want to run in TLS mode without the effort of getting valid X.509 certificates from a certificate authority. If so, you can use the splinter CLI to generate insecure certificates and the associated keys.

The splinter cert generate command creates the following certificates and keys:

  • client.crt
  • client.key
  • server.crt
  • server.key
  • generated_ca.pem
  • generated_ca.key

Note: The generated_ca files will be used to create the development client and server certificates. Do not use these files as the trusted certificate authority.

This command writes the files to the default Splinter certificate directory, /etc/splinter/certs/. To use a different directory (for example, if you already have valid certificate files in this directory), you can change the location by setting the SPLINTER_CERT_DIR environment variable or using the --tls-cert_dir option on the command line.


This procedure requires a local development environment that includes the splinter CLI and the Splinter daemon (splinterd).


  1. Open a terminal window and navigate to the location of the splinter CLI on your local machine.

  2. If you want to change the default certificate directory, set the SPLINTER_CERT_DIR environment variable. (Otherwise, you could use the --tls-cert_dir option with the splinter and splinterd commands in this procedure.)

  3. Run the following command to generate certificates and keys.

    $ splinter cert generate

    The output shows the full path of each file.

    Writing file: /etc/splinter/certs/generated_ca.pem
    Writing file: /etc/splinter/certs/private/generated_ca.key
    Writing file: /etc/splinter/certs/client.crt
    Writing file: /etc/splinter/certs/private/client.key
    Writing file: /etc/splinter/certs/server.crt
    Writing file: /etc/splinter/certs/private/server.key

    Tip: To change the common name of the certificates, use the --common-name flag. Otherwise, the common name will default to localhost.

  4. Start the Splinter daemon in TLS mode with the following splinterd command.

    The --tls-insecure flag turns off certificate authority validation (because the generated certificates are not signed by a common certificate authority). Without this flag, the Splinter daemon will get a TLS error when it tries to connect to another Splinter node.

    $ splinterd --node-id node-000 --tls-insecure --network-endpoints tcps://
    [2020-02-04 15:40:29.763] T["main"] WARN [splinterd] Starting TlsTransport in insecure mode
    • You can specify the generated certificate directory by using the --tls-cert-dir option, setting SPLINTER_CERT_DIR environment variable, or setting the location in the splinterd config, splinterd.toml. If necessary, you can specify each file separately with the command-line option or in the config file.

    • When the Splinter daemon starts, it logs a warning message that TLS has started in insecure mode. To verify that the correct certificates and keys were used, add -vv to increase the logging level.

    $ splinterd --node-id node-000 --tls-insecure -vv --network-endpoints tcps://
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.574] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd] Loading configuration file
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.592] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd::config] Config: storage: yaml (source: Default)
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.592] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd::config] Config: transport: tls (source: CommandLine)
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.592] T["main"] WARN [splinterd::config] Starting TlsTransport in insecure mode
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.592] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd::config] Config: tls_cert_dir: /etc/splinter/certs/ (source: Default)
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.592] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd::config] Config: tls_client_cert: /etc/splinter/certs/client.crt (source: Default)
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.593] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd::config] Config: tls_client_key: /etc/splinter/certs/private/client.key (source: Default)
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.593] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd::config] Config: tls_server_cert: /etc/splinter/certs/server.crt (source: Default)
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.593] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd::config] Config: tls_server_key: /etc/splinter/certs/private/server.key (source: Default)
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.593] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd::config] Config: service_endpoint: tcp:// (source: Default)
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.593] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd::config] Config: network_endpoints: ["tcps://"] (source: Default)
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.593] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd::config] Config: advertised_endpoints: ["tcps://"] (source: Default)
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.593] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd::config] Config: peers: [] (source: Default)
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.593] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd::config] Config: node_id: node-000 (source: CommandLine)
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.593] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd::config] Config: display_name: Node node-000 (source: Default)
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.593] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd::config] Config: bind: (source: Default)
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.593] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd::config] Config: registries: [] (source: Default)
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.593] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd::config] Config: registry_auto_refresh: 600 (source: Default)
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.593] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd::config] Config: registry_forced_refresh: 10 (source: Default)
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.593] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd::config] Config: state_dir: /var/lib/splinter/ (source: Default)
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.593] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd::config] Config: heartbeat: 30 (source: Default)
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.593] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd::config] Config: admin_timeout: 30s (source: Default)
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.593] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd::config] Config: tls_insecure: true (source: CommandLine)
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.593] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd::config] Config: no_tls: false (source: Default)
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.615] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd::daemon] Listening for peer connections on tcps://
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.615] T["main"] DEBUG [splinterd::daemon] Listening for service connections on tcps://
    [2020-02-13 08:50:30.615] T["main"] INFO [splinterd::daemon] Starting SpinterNode with ID node-000

    With verbose logging, the Splinter daemon will log a debug message with the configuration used to start the daemon, including the location of the client and server certificate and keys.


If any certificate files already exist, splinter cert generate displays an error and stops. It does not create any new files.

  $ splinter cert generate

  Client certificate already exists: /etc/splinter/certs/client.crt
  Client key already exists: /etc/splinter/certs/private/client.key
  Server certificate already exists: /etc/splinter/certs/server.crt
  Server key already exists: /etc/splinter/certs/private/server.key
  CA certificate already exists: /etc/splinter/certs/generated_ca.pem
  CA key already exists: /etc/splinter/certs/private/generated_ca.key
  ERROR: action encountered an error: Refusing to overwrite files, exiting

To create missing certificates and keys when some files already exist, add the --skip flag. The command will ignore the existing files and create any files that are missing.

  $ splinter cert generate --skip

  Client certificate exists, skipping: /etc/splinter/certs/client.crt
  Client key exists, skipping: /etc/splinter/certs/private/client.key
  Server certificate exists, skipping: /etc/splinter/certs/server.crt
  Server key exists, skipping: /etc/splinter/certs/private/server.key
  CA certificate exists, skipping: /etc/splinter/certs/generated_ca.pem
  CA key exists, skipping: /etc/splinter/certs/private/generated_ca.key

To recreate the certificates and keys from scratch, use the --force flag to overwrite all existing files.

  $ splinter cert generate --force

  Overwriting file: /private/etc/splinter/certs/generated_ca.pem
  Overwriting file: /private/etc/splinter/certs/private/generated_ca.key
  Overwriting file: /private/etc/splinter/certs/client.crt
  Overwriting file: /private/etc/splinter/certs/private/client.key
  Overwriting file: /private/etc/splinter/certs/server.crt
  Overwriting file: /private/etc/splinter/certs/private/server.key