Upgrading to Splinter v0.3.12 from Splinter v0.3.11


The generate-cert features has been removed

If you are using the –generate-cert option to splinterd, you need to update your procedure. Since this option requires a special build parameter to enable, it is unlikely that you haven’t already upgraded.

In v0.3.11, the Splinter daemon could be built with the deprecated feature generate-cert which would enable starting up splinterd with the flag --generate-cert. This flag was used to generate development certificates and keys on startup that would be used for running TLS transports in insecure mode. If you are not using the --generate-cert flag nothing has changed.

$ splinterd --node-id example-node-id --transport tls --generate-cert
[2020-02-04 15:40:29.763] T["main"] WARN [splinterd] Starting TlsTransport in insecure mode

This feature has been fully removed in version v0.3.12. Now it is required to use the splinter CLI to generate the development certificates. The splinter CLI provides a subcommand called splinter cert generate which will generate development certificates and keys files.

The splinter cert generate command creates the following certificates and keys:

  • client.crt
  • client.key
  • server.crt
  • server.key
  • generated_ca.pem
  • generated_ca.key

The generated_ca files will be used to create the development client and server certificates. Do not use these files as the trusted certificate authority.

This command writes the files to the default Splinter certificate directory, /etc/splinter/certs/. To use a different directory (for example, if you already have valid certificate files in this directory), you can change the location by setting the SPLINTER_CERT_DIR environment variable or using the --cert-dir option on the command line.

New Procedure:

  1. Run the following command to generate certificates and keys.

    $ splinter cert generate

    The output shows the full path of each file.

    Writing file: /etc/splinter/certs/generated_ca.pem
    Writing file: /etc/splinter/certs/private/generated_ca.key
    Writing file: /etc/splinter/certs/client.crt
    Writing file: /etc/splinter/certs/private/client.key
    Writing file: /etc/splinter/certs/server.crt
    Writing file: /etc/splinter/certs/private/server.key

    Tip: To change the common name of the certificates, use the --common-name flag. Otherwise, the common name will default to localhost.

  2. Start the Splinter daemon in TLS mode with the following splinterd command.

    $ splinterd --node-id node-000 --transport tls --insecure
    [2020-02-04 15:40:29.763] T["main"] WARN [splinterd] Starting TlsTransport in insecure mode

    The --insecure flag turns off certificate authority validation (because the generated certificates are not signed by a common certificate authority). Without this flag, the Splinter daemon will get a TLS error when it tries to connect to another Splinter node.

    • You can specify the generated certificate directory by using the --cert-dir option, setting SPLINTER_CERT_DIR environment variable, or setting the location in the splinterd config, splinterd.toml. If necessary, you can specify each file separately with the command-line option or in the config file.

For more information see Generating Insecure Certificates for Development

For an example of how this could be handled in a docker-compose.yaml file look at the Gameroom example

The CLI command to create a circuit was updated

If you are creating circuits with the experimental splinter CLI, you must update your procedure.

In v0.3.11, the Splinter CLI command for creating a circuit, took as an input a path to a yaml file with the circuit definition as in the example below.

$ cat circuit.yaml
circuit_id: my-grid-circuit
  - service_id: grid-scabbard-a
    service_type: scabbard
      - alpha-node-000
      - ["admin_keys", "[\"<gridd-alpha public key>\"]"]
      - ["peer_services", "[\"grid-scabbard-b\"]"]    
  - service_id: grid-scabbard-b
    service_type: scabbard
     - beta-node-000
      - ["admin_keys", "[\"<gridd-alpha public key>\"]"]
      - ["peer_services", "[\"grid-scabbard-a\"]"]
  - node_id: alpha-node-000
    endpoint: tls://splinterd-alpha:8044
  - node_id: beta-node-000
    endpoint: tls://splinterd-beta:8044
authorization_type: Trust
durability: NoDurability
circuit_management_type: grid
$ splinter circuit create \
  --key <path_to_alpha_private_key> \
  --url http://splinterd-alpha:8085 \

In v0.3.12, the splinter circuit create CLI command was updated to no longer take a YAML file. The user passes arguments to the command and the CLI will build the circuit definition based on those arguments.

$ splinter circuit create \
  --key <path_to_alpha_private_key> \
  --url http://splinterd-alpha:8085  \
  --node alpha-node-000::tls://splinterd-alpha:8044 \
  --node beta-node-000::tls://splinterd-beta:8044 \
  --service grid-scabbard-a::alpha-node-000 \
  --service grid-scabbard-b::beta-node-000 \
  --service-type *::scabbard \
  --management grid \
  --service-arg *::admin_keys=<alpha_public_key> \
  --service-peer-group grid-scabbard-a,grid-scabbard-b

With these changes the user can no longer set the circuit ID, the CLI auto generates the ID as it creates the circuit proposal. For a full description of all the arguments to create a circuit use:

$ splinter circuit create --help

Examples can be found at:

The scabbard CLI’s upload command has been changed

If you are using the experimental scabbard CLI to upload smart contracts, you need to update your procedure.

In v0.3.11, you could upload a smart contract to scabbard using the experimental scabbard upload command and supplying the path to a smart contract archive (.scar) file.

In v0.3.12, the upload command has been moved to scabbard contract upload; this change was made to accommodate other contract-related subcommands (such as list and show). Additionally, the way a .scar file is specified has been updated. To use the new upload subcommand, you will need to specify a --path argument for a directory that contains the desired .scar file, and provide the name and minimum version requirement of the .scar file in the format name:version. Here is an example for using the new command to upload a file called xo_0.4.2.scar in the current working directory:

$ scabbard contract upload \
  -k gridd \
  -U 'http://splinterd-alpha:8085' \
  --service-id $CIRCUIT_ID::grid-scabbard-a \
  --path . \

For more information, check the command’s help text:

$ scabbard contract upload --help

Circuits, node registry and key registry REST API routes now begin with admin

If you are using /keys, /nodes, or /circuits REST APIs directly in your application, you need to update the endpoints in your code.

In v0.3.11, the routes pertaining to circuits, the node registry and the key registry were reachable at the following endpoints:

  • /circuits
  • /circuits/{circuit_id}
  • /keys
  • /keys/{public_key}
  • /nodes
  • /nodes/{identity}

In v0.3.12, these routes are now prefixed with admin. The routes are now reached at the following updated endpoints:

  • /admin/circuits
  • /admin/circuits/{circuit_id}
  • /admin/keys
  • /admin/keys/{public_key}
  • /admin/nodes
  • /admin/nodes/{identity}

With these changes, any instance of these endpoints must be updated to include the admin prefix, otherwise the client will not be able to reach these endpoints and the server will return a 404 NOT FOUND HTTP error as the v0.3.11 endpoints no longer exist.

The functionality for these endpoints has remained the same, and more information on the functionality may be found in the Splinter REST API documentation

The Sabre version used by scabbard has been updated

In v0.3.12, the scabbard service has been updated to use v0.5 of the Sawtooth Sabre smart contract execution platform. This updated version of Sabre includes improvements to the Rust SDK such as convenient addressing methods and batch builder improvements to simplify client code.

If you have written client code that submits batches to scabbard, you will have two options for upgrading:

  1. Simply update the family_version of each submitted transaction to 0.5

  2. If the client code is written in Rust, use the new transaction and batch building pattern that’s enabled by the Sabre, Sawtooth, and Transact SDKs. This is the recommended approach because it greatly simplifies the process of creating Sabre transactions and batches. For an example of this pattern, see the scabbard CLI

The scabbard client’s submit method has been changed

If you are using the experimental scabbard client to submit batches, you will need to update your code.

In v0.3.12, the scabbard client’s upload method has undergone some changes:

  • The circuit_id and service_id arguments have been replaced with a single service_id argument, which takes a ServiceId struct that represents a fully-qualified service ID (both circuit and service IDs). This can easily be updated by constructing a ServiceId from the individual circuit and service IDs, or by parsing a string of the format circuit::service_id using the ServiceId constructors.
  • The type of the batches argument has been updated. It used to be a BatchList from the Sawtooth SDK, but is now a Vec<Batch>, where Batch is provided by the Transact library. This change requires updating the code that calls the scabbard client to use Transact for batch building rather than the Sawtooth SDK.

For an example of how to use the new upload method, see the scabbard CLI.