Disclaimer: These are planning documents. The functionalities described here may be unimplemented, partially implemented, or implemented differently than the original design.

Service Message Handling


Service message handling in Splinter requires a module where the number of threads is much lower than the number of services. This allows a single splinter node the room to scale to a large number of active services.


The current state of scaling Splinter services requires that each service has not one, but multiple threads (not counting any threads the service itself might create). This sets the limit on the number of services a node may service to some number lower than the number of threads the OS would provide.

Guide-level Explanation

At its core, service messages are handled by a MessageHandler implementation. This basic trait provides a single method for handling an inbound message, where the message type itself is definable by the implementer.

As each message is handled with the fully-qualified service ID for both sender and recipient, messages should be handled in a stateless way. That is, any state that the handler needs should be derived from the provided service IDs. In practice, this means that a message handler should load the state for a given service ID from a database.

The primary benefit of this stateless method is that an individual service does not need to be responsible for its own threads of execution. As each implementation can load state based on a service ID, the actual message handling can be handled by a configurable amount of threads.

The ServiceDispatcher component manages dispatching messages to the appropriate MessageHandler and executes handle_message on its configured thread model. Resolving the correct service type is left to a ServiceTypeResolver trait implementation. The thread model is configured by providing different implementations of a MessageHandlerTaskRunner trait.

Reference-level Explanation

Message Handlers

At its core, service messages are handled by a MessageHandler implementation. This basic trait provides a single method for handling an inbound message, where the message type is defined by the implementer:

pub trait MessageHandler {
    type Message;

    fn handle_message(
        &mut self,
        sender: &dyn MessageSender<Self::Message>,
        to_service: FullyQualifiedServiceId,
        from_service: FullyQualifiedServiceId,
        message: Self::Message,
    ) -> Result<(), InternalError>;

The Message type roots the handler messages specific to the service implementation. These message types can be defined as any sized type: unit values (strings, integer types, etc), plain structs, or enums.

Wire protocols are handled via the implementation of a MessageConverter trait for the service. (See “Trait Adapter Pattern” doc for more details on this topic).

Service Dispatch

Service messages are dispatched via a ServiceDispatcher, which may be used from within a splinter network dispatch handler. This dispatcher will make use of MessageHandlerFactory instances:

pub trait MessageHandlerFactory: Routable + Send {
    type MessageHandler: MessageHandler;

    fn new_handler(&self) -> Self::MessageHandler;

(Omitted here are the analogous trait adapter methods to apply wire protocols.)

The Routable trait provides details to the ServiceDispatcher to link a service instance to the type of handler to execute:

pub trait Routable {
    fn service_types(&self) -> &[ServiceType]

Given a fully-qualified service ID, the ServiceDispatcher will resolve the service type via the following trait:

pub trait ServiceTypeResolver {
    fn resolve_type(
        service_id: &FullyQualifiedServiceId,
    ) -> Result<Option<ServiceType>, InternalError>;

If the type cannot be resolved, the dispatcher will return an error.

Once the type is resolved, the ServiceDispatcher will dispatch a MessageHandlerFactory, if available, to a MessageHandlerTaskRunner. This task runner has the following trait:

pub trait MessageHandlerTaskRunner {
    fn execute(
        message_handler_factory: &dyn MessageHandlerFactory<
            MessageHandler = Box<dyn MessageHandler<Message = Vec<u8>>>,
        sender_factory: &dyn MessageSenderFactory<Vec<u8>>,
        to_service: FullyQualifiedServiceId,
        from_service: FullyQualifiedServiceId,
        message: Vec<u8>,
    ) -> Result<(), InternalError>;

In order to support multi-threaded implementations, the task runner trait takes a MessageHandlerFactory instance. In this way, the ServiceDispatcher never directly executes a MessageHandler instance.

Note that the ServiceDispatcher operates using handlers that take messages of type Vec<u8>. Via the trait adapter pattern, all MessageHandlerFactory instances should be transformable via the appropriate Converter implementation.

Integration with Existing Handlers

An instance of the ServiceDispatcher will be provided to the existing CircuitDirectMessageHandler. This general dispatch handler, implementing the trait found in splinter::network::dispatch, will determine if a message for a given circuit may be dispatched to a service that implements the MessageHandler trait, or forwarded on to the old pseudo-peer-style services.

In order to determine if a message can be handled by the ServiceDispatcher, it will provide a method

impl ServiceDispatcher {
    pub fn is_routable(&self, service_id: &FullyQualifiedServiceId)
        -> Result<bool, InternalError>
       // omitted

This allows the caller, in this case CircuitDirectMessageHandler to know if it should even attempt to dispatch the message to be handled by a MessageHandler or to forward it.

If the message is routable by the ServiceDispatcher, the following method will be called:

impl ServiceDispatcher {
    pub fn dispatch(
        to_service: FullyQualifiedServiceId,
        from_service: FullyQualifiedServiceId,
        message: Vec<u8>,
    ) -> Result<(), InternalError> {
         // omitted

Prior Art

Splinter’s original service implementation combined several concepts into a single trait, including message handling.

Unresolved Questions

When services are externalized, it is not entirely clear how the service dispatcher will forward the messages. The most likely solution is that a MessageHandler implementation will act as a remote proxy to the externalized service message handler, though the exact details of how those will be externalized has yet to be determined.