Documentation Guidelines for REST APIs

Use these guidelines for Splinter REST API (OpenAPI) documentation.

  • Follow Splinter’s general documentation guidelines and capitalization guidelines.

  • Include both a summary and a description for each method (GET, POST, etc.).

    • For the method summary, use a very short phrase. Don’t add final punctuation.

    • For the method description, use a full sentence that ends with a period. Feel free to use multiple sentences or a few paragraphs, if necessary.

    • For example:

      summary: Lists all doohickeys
      description: Fetches a list of doohickeys for the thingamajig.

  • Use consistent wording for the HTTP verbs. For example:

    Start a GET summary with a verb that ends with s:

    • “Lists” if the method returns a list.
    • “Gets” if it returns a non-binary value.
    • “Checks” if it returns a binary value.

    Start a GET description with a different verb that ends with s:

    • “Fetches a list” if the method returns a list.
    • “Returns …” if it returns a non-binary value.
    • “Verifies” if it returns a binary value.

  • For more guidelines: