Disclaimer: These are planning documents. The functionalities described here may be unimplemented, partially implemented, or implemented differently than the original design.

Service Lifecycle


Services need to implement a new trait to handle transitioning through the service lifecycle, instead of implementing a ServiceFactory to be used by the ServiceOrchestrator


The service API removes the requirement that every service will be run in its own thread. This will allow for running more service and circuit on each splinter node.

Since services will no longer be run in their own thread, they will not need to be started and stopped as they are in Splinter 0.6. This document describes the new way that a service will be transitioned from its different stages in the service lifecycle.

Guide-level Explanation

After a new circuit has been agreed upon, the new services need to be configured. This will be done using a combination of service type specific traits and an executor.

The Lifecycle trait provides StoreCommands to update the service type specific state stored in a database as well as move the service through its lifecycle. See StoreCommand for Scabbard v0.7 for more information about StoreCommands.

Lifecycle States

Currently, the state change is linear (e.i. no moving back to finalized once retired). This could be changed in the future.

Lifecycle of Service


  • Prepared: The service is set up and ready to be finalized. The TimerFilter should not return this service, but can handle any messages it receives.
  • Finalized: The service will handle all messages and can be returned from a TimerFilter to handle pending work.
  • Retired: The service should no longer handle any messages and the TimerFilter should no longer return this service.
  • Purged: The service and all of its associated state has been removed.

Reference-level Explanation

Lifecycle Trait

The following trait will be used by the LifecycleExecutor when updating the status of a service. Each service type must implement their own version of the Lifecycle trait. The Lifecycle implementations will return StoreCommand to update service state. The trait takes a generic K which represents the Context that will be passed

pub trait Lifecycle<K> {
    type Arguments;

    fn command_to_prepare(
        service: FullyQualifiedServiceId,
        arguments: Self::Arguments,
    ) -> Result<Box<dyn StoreCommand<Context = K>>, InternalError>;

    fn command_to_finalize(
        service: FullyQualifiedServiceId,
    ) -> Result<Box<dyn StoreCommand<Context = K>>, InternalError>;

    fn command_to_retire(
        service: FullyQualifiedServiceId,
    ) -> Result<Box<dyn StoreCommand<Context = K>>, InternalError>;

    fn command_to_purge(
        service: FullyQualifiedServiceId,
    ) -> Result<Box<dyn StoreCommand<Context = K>>, InternalError>;

    fn into_lifecycle<C, R>(
        converter: C
    ) -> IntoLifecycle<Self, C, Self::Arguments, R, K>
        Self: Sized,
        C: ArgumentsConverter<Self::Arguments, R>,
        IntoLifecycle::new(self, converter)

There are 4 types of commands that can be used to update a service. A service can be prepared, finalized, retired or purged. The first 3 commands result in an updated status in the Lifecycle store along with any operations that are specific for the service type, while purge should result in all service information being removed. The Lifecycle will return a command that will be combined with the lifecycle command and executed within the same transaction.

LifecycleExecutor Struct

The LifecycleExecutor will operate very similarly to the Timer, where it will periodically wake up and check for any pending work. Other components, such as the SyncLifecycleInterface discussed later, will write a pending service to the Lifecycle store. The LifecycleExecutor will fetch the pending services, find the Lifecycle for the service type and get a list of commands that are required to update the service.

impl<E: 'static> LifecycleExecutor<E>
    E: StoreCommandExecutor + Send,
    pub fn new(
        wake_up_interval: Duration,
        lifecycles: LifecycleMap<E::Context>,
        store: Box<dyn LifecycleStore + Send>,
        command_generator: LifecycleCommandGenerator<E::Context>,
        command_executor: E,
    ) -> Result<LifecycleExecutor<E>, InternalError> {
      // omitted for brevity

All commands, both service specific and lifecycle, will be atomically executed by a StoreCommandExecutor.

While all pending service will eventually be handled by the executor, in some cases waiting for the executor to be woken up by the Pacemaker is not ideal. Instead, an ExecutorAlarm can be used to wake up the executor prematurely.

pub trait ExecutorAlarm: Send {
    fn wake_up_all(&self) -> Result<(), InternalError>;

    fn wake_up(
        service_type: String,
        service_id: Option<FullyQualifiedServiceId>,
    ) -> Result<(), InternalError>;

The alarm can be used to check for all pending services, all services of a specific type, or a specific service.

Admin Service Integration

The AdminService is in charge of creating the services when a circuit has been approved. In 0.6 this meant using the ServiceOrchestrator which would spin up a new thread for each local service. Once the service has been started, an event will be sent out to subscribers that the circuit is ready to be used.

The new design no longer starts up a thread per service and initialization is not synchronous. The AdminService will need to stay backward compatible while also supporting using the LifecycleExecutor.


The AdminService will take a list of implementations of the LifecycleDispatch trait instead of the ServiceOrchestrator directly. When a service needs to be added, retired, or purged, each implementation will be called. The implementations will check to see if it supports the service type that is being updated, acting as a NO-OP if not. It is expected that service type will only be handled by one implementation of the LifecycleDispatch.

pub trait LifecycleDispatch: Send {
    // prepare and finalize a service
    fn add_service(
        circuit_id: &str,
        service_id: &str,
        service_type: &str,
        args: Vec<(String, String)>,
    ) -> Result<(), InternalError>;

    fn retire_service(
        circuit_id: &str,
        service_id: &str,
        service_type: &str,
    ) -> Result<(), InternalError>;

    fn purge_service(
        circuit_id: &str,
        service_id: &str,
        service_type: &str,
    ) -> Result<(), InternalError>;

    fn shutdown_all_services(&self) -> Result<(), InternalError>;

    fn add_stopped_service(
        circuit_id: &str,
        service_id: &str,
        service_type: &str,
        args: HashMap<String, String>,
    ) -> Result<(), InternalError>;

The ServiceOrchestrator implements the trait directly.


The AdminService expects service creation to be synchronous. To use the asynchronous LifecycleExecutor the new SyncLifecycleInterface will be written to implement a LifecycleDispatch.

impl SyncLifecycleInterface {
    pub fn new(
        store: Box<dyn LifecycleStore + Send>,
        alarm: Box<dyn ExecutorAlarm>,
        supported_types: Vec<String>,
        time_to_wait: time::Duration,
    ) -> Self {
        SyncLifecycleInterface {

For each service operation, SyncLifecycleInterface writes the pending service to the LifecycleStore and then uses an ExecutorAlarm to wake up the executor for the pending service. The interface will periodically check the lifecycle store to see if the service has been updated by the executor, only returning to when the service has been updated or a timeout has been reached.

Lifecycle Integration Admin Service

Due to the difference in designs, two of the required methods on the LifecycleDispatch are NO-OPs for the SyncLifecycleInterface. Services do not need to be stopped and restarted on shutdown. Therefore shutdown_all_services and add_stopped_service simply return Ok(()), same for if add_service is called and if the service was already added.

SyncLifecycleInterface combines both command_to_prepare and command_to_finalize to get the service into a “runnable” state.


The AdminService expects service start up to be synchronized and while SyncLifecycleInterface achieves this, there is no guarantee that the service will be updated in a timely manner. This may cause circuit proposals handling to be blocked until the service times out.

Rationale and Alternatives

In Splinter 0.6, a service was run in a separate thread and was controlled by the ServiceOrchestrator. This model limits the number of services that can be run on a node. It also requires that services be started and stopped on restart of a Splinter node.

Unresolved Questions

How to update service arguments when running in separate processes in an atomic way is unknown.