Disclaimer: These are planning documents. The functionalities described here may be unimplemented, partially implemented, or implemented differently than the original design.

Scabbard Diesel Backed Receipt Store


This document provides information on the use of a Diesel backed receipt store in scabbard. This move away from the current implementation, a LMDB backed receipt store, is part of a larger effort to make Splinter cloud compatible.

Guide-level explanation


Migrations for the receipt store tables run with the splinter database migrate command. Running the receipt store migrations with this command does not require any additional flags or options, the migrations will be run for the database connection specified or the default if none is specified.


When the appropriate features are enabled the splinter daemon will create the scabbard factory with the connection URL for the Splinter data stores. The scabbard service will then create the Diesel backed receipt store using this connection.

Reference-level explanation


The MigrateAction’s run function determines the connection type, runs the Splinter database migrations, and then uses the same connection pool to run the sawtooth migrations using the appropriate method, run_sqlite_migrations or run_postgres_migrations. The receipt store tables are then created in the same PostgreSQL or SQLite instance that contains the database tables for the other Splinter data stores.


A new diesel backed receipt store is created by passing a sqlite or postgres connection pool to the DieselReceiptStore’s new method. The PostgreSQL or SQLite connection string passed to the ScabbardFactoryBuilder via the with_receipt_db_url is used to create a ScabbardFactoryStorageConfig which is used in creating the diesel backed receipt store. In scabbard the diesel backed receipt store is created slightly differently depending on whether or not “database-support” feature is enabled.

When “database-support” is enabled, the ScabbardFactory has a store_factory_config field with type ScabbardFactoryStorageConfig. ScabbardFactoryStorageConfig has variants Postgres and Sqlite which each contain a connection pool. The connection pool is used to create a diesel receipt store as shown below.

When “database-support” is not enabled, the ScabbardFactory has a receipt_store_factory_config field which has the type ScabbardFactoryStorageConfig. When “database-support” is not enabled the definition of ScabbardFactoryStorageConfig still has the Postgres and Sqlite variants but also includes a Lmdb variant. The connection pool from the Sqlite or Postgres variant is used to create a new diesel receipt store as shown below.

DieselReceiptStore’s new method also has an optional service_id argument. Including a service ID will scope the receipt store to that specified ID. In scabbard this ID is the combined circuit ID and service ID formatted as circuit_id::service_id.

Arc::new(RwLock::new(DieselReceiptStore::new(pool.clone(), format!("{}::{}", circuit_id, service_id))))

Including a service ID when creating the DieselReceiptStore allows for receipts to be isolated to a specific circuit and service, this is an important distinction to have when a node has multiple circuits.

Prior art

The use of circuit_id and service_id to create an isolation ID for different instances of the Diesel backed receipt store is based on the Diesel backed commit hash store in scabbard.