Disclaimer: These are planning documents. The functionalities described here may be unimplemented, partially implemented, or implemented differently than the original design.

Peer Manager


The PeerManager is the component of the system that knows about peers. It has a Connector to the ConnectionManager and requests the creation and removal of connections that are associated with a peer. The PeerManager keeps track of reference counts of the peers, as well as metadata such as its ID, a list of endpoints and which endpoint is currently active.


Sequence Diagrams

Connecting to a new Peer

The PeerManagerConnector can be used by other components to request a connection to a peer. For example, the AdminService can request a connection is created to a peer that is a member of a received circuit proposal.

  1. The Splinter REST API receives a circuit proposal that includes a peer that is not connected.
  2. The AdminService requests a PeerRef for that peer using the PeerManagerConnector. The PeerRef is held on to by the AdminService.
  3. The PeerManager requests a connection is created for the peer’s endpoint using the connection manager Connector.
  4. A PeerRef for the requested peer is returned from the PeerManagerConnector.
  5. The connection is successful and is passed to the Authorizer.
  6. The peer completes authorization.
  7. After authorization the connection is passed to the ConnectionMatrix by the ConnectionManager by using the ConnectionMatrixLifecycle.
  8. The ConnectionManager sends a Connected notification for the endpoint to the subscribers.
  9. The PeerManager handles the notification by updating the peer’s status to PeerStatus::Connected in the PeerMap and sends a Connected notification for the peer to subscribers.
  10. The AdminService receives the Connected notification. At this point the peer can be treated as connected. The AdminService can start sending messages to the peer with a NetworkSender, starting with agreeing on the protocol version.

Reconnecting to Peer

The PeerManager also monitors notifications from the ConnectionManager. If a connection disconnects, the PeerManager will wait for a specified number of reconnection attempts and if the connection does not reconnect the peers other endpoints are tried. If successful, the peers active endpoint is replaced. There is only ever one connection per peer active at a time.

Reconnecting to Peer’s active endpoint

  1. ConnectionManager sends a heartbeat message to its managed connections.
  2. If the heartbeat fails, the failed connection’s state is set to reconnecting.
  3. The ConnectionManager sends a Disconnected endpoint notification to subscribers.
  4. The PeerManager updates the associated peer’s status to PeerStatus::Disconnected.
  5. The PeerManager sends a Disconnected peer notification to subscribers.
  6. The AdminService removes the peer’s agreed upon protocol version and resets any pending proposals that includes that peer.
  7. The ConnectionManager retries to reconnect to the disconnected connection’s endpoint.
  8. If the reconnection fails, the ConnectionManager sends a NonFatalConnectionError to subscribers with the number of failed attempts.
  9. Once the connection is successful, the connection must reauthorize.
  10. The ConnectionMatrix updates the old connection.
  11. The Connection Manager sends an endpoint Connected notification out to subscribers.
  12. The PeerManager updates the associated peer’s status to PeerStatus::Connected.
  13. The PeerManager sends a peer Connected notification to subscribers.
  14. The AdminService can now send messages and restart protocol version agreement.

Reconnecting to peer with a new endpoint

  1. ConnectionManager sends a heartbeat to its managed connection.
  2. If the heartbeat fails, the connection’s state is set to reconnecting.
  3. The ConnectionManager sends a disconnected endpoint notification to subscribers.
  4. The PeerManager updates the associated peer’s status to PeerStatus::Disconnected.
  5. The PeerManager sends a disconnected peer notification to subscribers.
  6. The AdminService removes the peers agreed upon protocol version and resets any pending proposal.
  7. The ConnectionManager retries to reconnect to the disconnected connection’s endpoint
  8. If the reconnection fails, the ConnectionManager sends NonFatalConnectionError to subscribers with the number of failed attempts.
  9. Once the connection for a peer has reached the max number of retries and the peer has other possible endpoint, the PeerManager will request a connection is created for a different endpoint.
  10. The connection is successful and passed to the Authorizers.
  11. The peer completes authorization.
  12. After authorization the connection is passed to the ConnectionMatrix.
  13. A Connected notification is sent to subscribers for the endpoint.
  14. PeerManager handles the notification by updating the peer’s active endpoint and status to PeerStatus::Connected in the PeerMap.
  15. The PeerManager requests that the peers old connection is removed.
  16. The PeerManager sends a peer Connected notification to subscribers.
  17. The AdminService can now send messages and restart protocol version agreement.