Disclaimer: These are planning documents. The functionalities described here may be unimplemented, partially implemented, or implemented differently than the original design.

Challenge Authorization


When Splinter nodes connect, they must go through a “handshake” to verify the identity of the other node. In Splinter v0.4 Trust Authorization is the only authorization algorithm implemented. Trust Authorization takes the identity provided from the node without further verification.

An authorization type that provides a better guarantee the nodes are actually who they say they are is Challenge Authorization. Challenge Authorization requires a node’s ID to be tied to a public key/private key pair and a node must prove they have access to that key by signing a random nonce, providing the resulting signature and their public key.

Adding Challenge Authorization to the Splinter node requires a reworking of the current Authorization messages, including a new implementation of Trust authorization. This support will be added next to the existing implementation to remain backward compatible with v0.4.

Guide-level explanation

The procedure supports implementing different authorization types that require the requester to prove their identity. If a requester deviates from the procedure in any way, the requester will be rejected and the connection will be closed.

Authorization starts when the connection is created. The following description is from the perspective of a local node talking to a remote node but in reality both nodes are acting as local and remote nodes and both conversations are happening in parallel.

The following state diagram shows the progression regardless of which authorization type is being used.

The process starts with protocol version agreement and the remote node returns what authorization types it supports.

The local node will choose an authorization algorithm to proceed with based on the intersection of the remote node’s and local node’s supported authorization types. The state diagrams for each authorization type are provided below.

After the authorization procedure is complete, the local node will send an AuthComplete message to the remote node. The connection is not quite ready yet at this point. The connection is only ready after the local node also receives an AuthComplete message from the remote node, as it goes through authorization in parallel. Due to the parallel authorizations, the second AuthComplete message could be received at any time.

At this point, the connection is considered fully authorized and is ready for use.

In v1 authorization there will be two supported types, Trust and Challenge authorization. The following diagram shows the state diagram for the “Authorization Type Procedure” in the first diagram.

Trust is a simple authorization procedure where the local node will accept the identity provided by the Remote without any further verification. This is not secure and only suitable for development.

Challenge requires the remote node to prove their identity by signing a random nonce the local nodes provided and return the signature and the public key. The signature will then be validated against the nonce and public key provided.

Reference-level explanation

Circuit and Proposal

To properly support Challenge Authorization, circuit and proposal state will need to be extended to support setting multiple authorization types and adding a public key to circuit members.

The changes are shown in YAML for easy documentation.

The member definition needs to include the public keys that must be used and verified in Challenge Authorization. The public keys are optional, and can be left unset if the node only participates in circuits that require Trust Authorization.

Authorization type stored in a circuit will be updated to support providing Challenge.

        id: WBKLF-AAAAA
    +   authorization: "Challenge"
    +   members:
                id: node_1
                public_key: PUBLIC_KEY
                id: node_2
                public_key: PUBLIC_KEY

The AdminServiceStore will need to be updated to store this new information. The REST API routes also need to be updated to return the new state.

PeerManager and ConnectionManager

The PeerManager and ConnectionManager were designed for only supporting one Authorization type. Their API must be updated to handle passing the required Authorization type down the stack.

When using the PeerManagerConnector to get a new peer reference the peer’s authorization types need to be passed along with the endpoints.

enum PeerAuthorizationType {
    Challenge {
        public_key: PUBLIC_KEY
pub fn add_peer_ref(
    peer_id: String,
    endpoints: Vec<String>,
+   authorization: PeerAuthorizationType,
) -> Result<PeerRef, PeerRefAddError>

Then when a connection is requested from the connection manager Connector the possible PeerAuthorizationType from the circuit is passed with the endpoint. A Connection to the same endpoint that used a different authorization type must be treated as a different connection.

pub fn request_connection(
    endpoint: &str,
    connection_id: &str,
+   authorization: PeerAuthorizationType,
) -> Result<(), ConnectionManagerError>
pub enum ConnectionManagerNotification {
    Connected {
        endpoint: String,
        connection_id: String,
        identity: String,
+       authorized_with: Vec<PeerAuthorizationType>,

The AuthorizationResult and Connected notification will need to be expanded to include the PeerAuthorizationType as well. This is a list because a splinter daemon will support multiple signing keys and will not always know which public key is the expected public key. To solve this problem the daemon will respond with a list of all of its public keys and signatures.

pub enum AuthorizationResult {
    Authorized {
        connection_id: String,
        identity: String,
        connection: Box<dyn Connection>,
    +   authorized_with: Vec<PeerAuthorizationType>,
    Unauthorized {
        connection_id: String,
        connection: Box<dyn Connection>,

Authorization Messages

The following messages will be added to the existing authorization messages to support agreeing on authorization protocol number. If there is a mismatch between the supported protocol versions the authorization attempt will be canceled and the connection closed.

message AuthProtocolRequest {
    int32 auth_protocol_min = 1;
    int32 auth_protocol_max = 2;

If there can be an agreed upon protocol version, the response will include a list of supported authorizations types that can be chosen. If the PeerAuthorizationType required by the connection request is not supported, authorization will be canceled and the connection closed.

message AuthProtocolResponse {
    enum PeerAuthorizationType {
        TRUST = 1;
        CHALLENGE = 2;
    int32 auth_protocol = 1;
    repeated PeerAuthorizationType accepted_authorization_type = 2;

If the first message received is ConnectRequest instead of the protocol request it will be assumed that the v0 Trust authorization type is expected and will be used instead of the new version. This will allow for backwards compatibility with 0.4.

New trust authorization messages will be added to differentiate from v0 Trust Authorization. In v0, a TrustRequest or an AuthorizedMessage could appear in either order causing a race condition. This version will be replaced with the following messages so that it can be fixed.

message AuthTrustRequest {
    string identity = 1;

message AuthTrustResponse{}

The following messages will be added to support challenge authorization. Challenge authorization starts by requesting a nonce, random bytes, that can be signed to produce a signature that can be verified against the provided public key.

message AuthChallengeNonceRequest{}

message AuthChallengeNonceResponse {
    bytes nonce = 1;

The node will support multiple public/private key pairs. It may not know which key is the expected public key for authorization, so it will use each key pair to sign and create a list of SubmitRequest.

message AuthChallengeSubmitRequest {
    SubmitRequest {
        bytes public_key = 1;
        bytes signature = 2;

    repeated SubmitRequest submit_requests = 1

message AuthChallengeSubmitResponse {}

Once authorization is verified an AuthComplete message is returned.

message AuthComplete {}

Note a connection is not considered “Ready” until both nodes have sent an AuthComplete message to the node.

If at any time an unexpected message is received out of order or the challenge signature verification fails an AuthorizationError message will be returned and the connection will be closed.

message AuthorizationError {
    enum AuthorizationErrorType {

    AuthorizationErrorType error_type = 1;
    string error_message = 2;

Rationale and alternatives

This design includes adding a public key to the member definition that will be used for Challenge Authorization. One alternative would be to link a public key to a specific endpoint in the node definition.

        id: acme-node-000
        challenge_public_key: PUBLIC_KEY
        endpoint: "tcps://splinterd-node-acme:8044"
        challenge_public_key: PUBLIC_KEY
        endpoint: "tcps://splinterd-node-acme-2:8044"

Instead of setting one authorization, it could be updated to be a list of authorization types in preference order. This would allow a circuit to be updated to support both authorization types at the same time. This, however, would require two separate updates to the circuit, the first to add the new authorization type, and another to remove the old authorization type after all nodes have updated to support the new authorization type. Instead, the authorization update should only be allowed if the node can support the new authorization type.

        id: WBKLF-AAAAA
    +   authorization: ["Challenge", "Trust"]

Similarly, a member in a circuit could have multiple public keys but instead the splinter daemon will support multiple signing keys at once but only include one key in a circuit. This will allow a node to update its key in a circuit, while still supporting its old key in other circuits.

Instead of submitting multiple submit requests for all of the supported keys, only one public key and signature could be returned. This however would require the expected public key to be returned with the nonce and this information may not always be available to the connecting node.

message AuthChallengeSubmitRequest {
    bytes public_key = 1;
    bytes signature = 2;

Finally, the authorization types could be versioned explicitly like below. However, it was decided that the circuit schema version is enough to enforce what version of authorization type is expected.

        id: WBKLF-AAAAA
    +   authorization: "Challenge-v1"

Prior art

This implementation is influenced by the Challenge Authorization in Sawtooth.

Unresolved questions

The changes required to the circuit definitions could cause problems in the future as there is no easy way to update the public keys stored in the circuit for the different nodes. How a node can reclaim their identity stored in a circuit is not designed. This problem will be addressed when we design the circuit update requests.