Upgrading to Splinter v0.3.17 from Splinter v0.3.16

Breaking changes in this release:

Name changes for splinterd CLI options and config settings

Several splinterd configuration settings and CLI command options have been changed to be consistent. All option names match the config setting names, except that options use a dash separator and config settings use an underscore.

admin_service_coordinator_timeout admin_timeout
bind rest_api_endpoint
heartbeat_interval, heartbeat
registry_auto_refresh_interval registry_auto_refresh
registry_forced_refresh_interval registry_forced_refresh
–advertised-endpoint –advertised-endpoints
–bind –rest-api-endpoint
–network-endpoint –network-endpoints
–peer –peers
–registry –registries


  • Use the new command options when starting splinterd on the command line and in Docker Compose files.

  • Update existing splinterd TOML configuration files to use the changed options. For example:

    # Config file format version
    version = "1"
    node_id = "012"
    # Endpoint used for service to daemon communication.
    service_endpoint = ""
    # Endpoints used for daemon to daemon communication.
    network_endpoints = ["tcps://"]
    # How often to sent a heartbeat to connections
    heartbeat = 30  

The key registry and node registry have been combined

In v0.3.16, the key registry has been entirely removed from Splinter, and the node registry is now called the “Splinter registry” because it includes key information. Instead of using a separate key registry, each node definition in the registry must have a keys entry that lists the public key or keys that are permitted to propose and modify circuits on behalf of that node.

Update existing Splinter registry files to include the public key or keys that are allowed to modify circuits on behalf of each node. All nodes must have at least one public key.

When the nodes in the registry file(s) have been updated with the appropriate keys, remove the key registry file configuration(s) from your splinter nodes. All key registry-related configuration and CLI options are no longer supported.

In the previous release, a node registry entry had the following format:

- identity: '<NODE_ID>'
  display_name: '<NODE_NAME>'
  metadata: {}

In this release, a registry entry has the following format:

- identity: '<NODE_ID>'
  display_name: '<NODE_NAME>'
    - '<KEY>'
  metadata: {}

The following example shows Acme Corporation’s registry entries for two nodes, acme-node-000 and acme-node-001. Each entry includes the keys that are permitted to propose and modify circuits on behalf of that node.

- identity: 'acme-node-000'
    - 'tcps://acme-node-000:8044'
  display_name: 'Acme Node 0'
    - '02381b606ac2bbe3bd374654cb7cb467ffb0225eb46038a5ec37b43e0c2f085dcb'
  metadata: {}
- identity: 'acme-node-001'
    - 'tcps://acme-node-001:8044'
  display_name: 'Acme Node 1'
    - '7b6c889058c2d22558ead2c61b321634b74e705c42f890e6b7bc2c80abb4713118'
    - '02381b606ac2bbe3bd374654cb7cb467ffb0225eb46038a5ec37b43e0c2f085dcb'
  metadata: {}

Circuit connections start with agreement on protocol version

A circuit connection between two Splinter nodes now includes a new request and response so that the admin services can agree on the protocol version to use for communication. This agreement must occur before any circuit management payloads can be handled.

The connecting admin service (the service on the node initiating the connection) sends a request that specifies the minimum and maximum protocol versions it can support. The other admin service responds with its highest supported version in the connecting service’s range. If there is no compatible protocol version, the payload will be dropped.

This change allows the admin services to know if they are running compatible versions of Splinter software. It also makes it possible to support older protocol versions in the future, with the ability to downgrade the protocol version to support nodes running older Splinter software.

IMPORTANT: This is a breaking change that affects all nodes on a circuit. All Splinter nodes must be running release v0.3.17 before they attempt circuit connections. If some nodes are outside of your control, coordinate the upgrade with the administrators of other nodes.

If the two nodes attempt a circuit connection but one is running v0.3.16 (or earlier), the connection will hang or fail. For example, if the connecting node is running release v0.3.17 and the other node is running release v0.3.16, the older admin service cannot send the required protocol response message, so later circuit payload messages will not be handled. In some cases, the older admin service will crash because of a known bug when it receives a message it cannot understand. (This bug has been fixed in v0.3.17; the admin service now logs an error message that an unknown message was received but does not crash.)

Scabbard has been moved to its own crate

The scabbard service, scabbard client, and all associated scabbard code have been moved from the splinter crate to the newly created scabbard crate. Additionally, the optional feature for compiling in the scabbard client has been renamed from scabbard-client to client.

Any code that uses the scabbard service or its client should add the new scabbard crate as a dependency. When using the scabbard client, compile with the client feature for the scabbard crate. The location of the various scabbard components differs slightly in the new crate, so some imports will need to be updated as well; see the scabbard documentation for details.

The Splinter registry REST API routes have been moved

In v0.3.16, the REST API routes for retrieving node information from the Splinter registry were located at /admin/nodes In v0.3.17, these routes have been moved to /registry/nodes to more accurately represent their place in the Splinter ecosystem (they are provided by the registry, not the admin service).

All calls to the /admin/nodes endpoints should be updated to call /registry/nodes instead.

Gameroom startup has changed because Gameroom uses Biome

The Gameroom daemon, gameroomd, now uses Biome for user and credential management. This means that a new “migrate database” step is required to populate the Biome tables in the database. In addition, the Splinter nodes backing gameroomd need to be run with Biome enabled and must be connected to a database.

Gameroom’s example docker-compose files have been updated to migrate the database and start splinterd correctly. If you start Gameroom manually, note the following changes:

  • Run the splinter database migrate command to populate the correct Biome tables in the database. For more information, see the splinter-database-migrate(1) man page or run splinter database migrate --help.

  • Start splinterd with the --enable-biome flag and specify the database URL with the --database option. For more information, see the splinterd(1) man page or run splinterd --help.